Krakchemia S.A


Period from January 1 to December 31 2019

    In thousand PLN In thousand EUR
  SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA Period from January 1 to December 31 Period from January 1 to December 31
    2019 2018 2019 2018
1 Revenue from sales, ongoing activity 182408 225576 42403 52866
2 Operational profit, ongoing activity -10697 -14078 -2487 -3299
3 Profit before tax, ongoing activity -11339 -15225 -2636 -3568
4 Net profit, ongoing activity -13009 -12861 -3024 -3014
5 Net cash flow from operating activities -1269 -840 -295 -197
6 Net cash flow from investments 12517 3126 2910 733
7 Net cash flow from financial activities 1289 -1840 300 -431
8 Net change of monetary means and credit in the current account in the period 12536 446 2914 105
9 Weighted mean of shares number in given period (in items) 9000000 9000000 9000000 9000000
10 Profit from ongoing activity in given period per share (PLN/ EUR) -1,45 -1,43 -0,34 -0,33
  The entries 1-8 (in the profit and loss statement and the flows) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of the exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland (NBP), in force on the last day of each month, which for the 12 months of 2019 amounted to: 1 EUR = 4,3018 PLN and for the 12 months of 2018 amounted to 1 EUR = 4,2669 PLN.
  The profit on ongoing activity in the given period per 1 share ‘= net profit on ongoing activity in the period/ weighed mean of number of shares in the given period.
    In thousand PLN In thousand EUR
  SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA  Status on                2019-12-31    Status on                2018-12-31    Status on                2019-12-31    Status on                2018-12-31  
11 Total Assets 72905 104501 17120 24303
12 Long term liabilities 8539 1334 2005 310
13 Short- term liabilities 24284 48731 5702 11333
14 Equity 40083 54436 9412 12660
15 Initial capital 9000 9000 2113 2093
16 Weighted mean of shares number in given period (in items) 9000000 9000000 9000000 9000000
17 Accounting value per share (in PLN/EUR) 4,45 6,05 1,04 1,41
  Positions from 11 to 15 (balance positions) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate announced by NBP valid on 31.12.2019 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,2585 PLN and on 31.12.2018 which amounted to: 1 EUR = 4,3000 PLN. Accounting value per 1 share = equity capital/ weighted mean number of shares in the given period.



Period from January 1 to September 31 2019

    In thousand PLN In thousand EUR    
  SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA Period from January 1 to September 30 Period from January 1 to September 30    
    2019 2018 2019 2018    
1 Revenue from sales, ongoing activity 147147 171998 34152 40437    
2 Operational profit, ongoing activity -5343 -4103 -1240 -965    
3 Profit before tax, ongoing activity -5783 -5012 -1342 -1178    
4 Net profit, ongoing activity -4609 -4151 -1070 -976    
5 Net cash flow from operating activities 1924 -814 447 -191    
6 Net cash flow from investments 11692 3484 2714 819    
7 Net cash flow from financial activities -1822 -1457 -423 -343    
8 Net change of monetary means and credit in the current account in the period 11794 1213 2737 285    
9 Weighted mean of shares number in given period (in items) 9000000 9000000 9000000 9000000    
10 Profit from ongoing activity in given period per share (PLN/ EUR) -0,51 -0,46 -0,12 -0,11    
  The entries 1-8 (in the profit and loss statement and the flows) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of the exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland (NBP), in force on the last day of each month, which for the 9 months of 2019  amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,3086 PLN and for the 9 months of 2018 amounted to 1 EUR=4,2535 PLN.    
  The profit on ongoing activity in the given period per 1 share ‘= net profit on ongoing activity in the period/ weighed mean of number of shares in the given period.    
    In thousand PLN In thousand EUR
  SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA Status on             2019-09-30  Status on                   2018-12-31   Status on                   2018-09-30  Status on                 2019-09-30  Status on                  2018-12-31   Status on                 2018-09-30 
11 Total Assets 87 893 104 501 119 906 20 096 24 303 28 072
12 Long term liabilities 6 346 1 334 901 1 451 310 211
13 Short- term liabilities 32 911 48 731 56 432 7 525 11 333 13 212
14 Equity 48 636 54 436 62 573 11 120 12 660 14 649
15 Initial capital 9 000 9 000 9 000 2 058 2 093 2 107
16 Weighted mean of shares number in given period (in items) 9 000 000 9 000 000 9 000 000 9 000 000 9 000 000 9 000 000
17 Accounting value per share (in PLN/EUR) 5,4 6,05 6,95 1,24 1,41 1,63
  Positions from 11 to 15 (balance positions) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate announced by NBP valid on 30.09.2019 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,3736 PLN, on 31.12.2018 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,300 PLN and on 30.09.2018 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,2714 PLN. Accounting value per 1 share = equity capital/ weighted mean number of shares in the given period.



Period from January 1 to June 30 2019

    In thousand PLN In thousand EUR    
  SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA Period from January 1 to June 30 Period from January 1 to June 30    
    2019 2018 2019 2018    
1 Revenue from sales, ongoing activity 101 959 116 416 23 778 27 460    
2 Operational profit, ongoing activity -2 937 -3 782 -685 -892    
3 Profit before tax, ongoing activity -3 243 -4 339 -756 -1 023    
4 Net profit, ongoing activity -2 617 -3 595 -610 -848    
5 Net cash flow from operating activities 1 630 -3 155 380 -744    
6 Net cash flow from investments 10 666 -861 2 487 -203    
7 Net cash flow from financial activities -1 257 -946 -293 -223    
8 Net change of monetary means and credit in the current account in the period 11 039 -4 962 2 574 -1 170    
9 Weighted mean of shares number in given period (in items) 9 000 000 9 000 000 9 000 000 9 000 000    
10 Profit from ongoing activity in given period per share (PLN/ EUR) -0,29 -0,4 -0,07 -0,09    
  The entries 1-8 (in the profit and loss statement and the flows) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of the exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland (NBP), in force on the last day of each month, which for the 6 months of 2019  amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,288 PLN and for the 6 months of 2018 amounted to 1 EUR=4,2394 PLN.    
  The profit on ongoing activity in the given period per 1 share ‘= net profit on ongoing activity in the period/ weighed mean of number of shares in the given period.    
    In thousand PLN In thousand EUR
  SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA Status on             2019-06-30  Status on                   2018-12-31   Status on                   2018-06-30  Status on                 2019-06-30  Status on                  2018-12-31   Status on                 2018-06-30 
11 Total Assets 98867 104501 132636 23252 24303 30410
12 Long term liabilities 6800 1334 1340 1599 310 307
13 Short- term liabilities 41647 48731 63693 9795 11333 14603
14 Equity 50420 54436 67603 11858 12660 15500
15 Initial capital 9000 9000 9000 2117 2093 2063
16 Weighted mean of shares number in given period (in items) 9000000 9000000 9000000 9000000 9000000 9000000
17 Accounting value per share (in PLN/EUR) 5,6 6,05 7,51 1,32 1,41 1,72
  Positions from 11 to 15 (balance positions) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate announced by NBP valid on 30.06.2019 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,2520 PLN, on 31.12.2018 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,300 PLN and on 30.06.2018 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,3616 PLN. Accounting value per 1 share = equity capital/ weighted mean number of shares in the given period.  



1st quarter of 2019
Period from January 1 to March 31 2019

In thousand PLN In thousand EUR  
1 Revenue from sales, ongoing activity  52 864 12 300
2 Operational profit, ongoing activity  -2 468 -574
3 Profit before tax, ongoing activity  -2 565 -597
4 Net profit, ongoing activity  -2 085 -485
5 Net monetary flow, operational activity  1 430 333
6 Net monetary flow, investment activity  -80 -19
7 Net monetary flow, financial activity  -614 -143
8 Net change of monetary means and credit in the current account in the period  736 171
9 Weighted mean of shares number in given period( in items)  9 000 000 9 000 000
10 Profit from continuous activity within the period per 1 share (in PLN/ EUR)  -0,23 -0,05
11 Assets in all  113 931 26 488
12 Long-term liabilities  7 437 1729
13 Short-term liabilities  53 307 12 393
14 Equity capital  53 187 12 365
15 Initial capital  9 000 2 092
16 Weighted mean of shares number in given period( in items)  9 000 000 9 000 000
17 Accounting value per share (in PLN/ EUR)  5,91 1,37
  The entries 1-8 (in the profit and loss statement and the flows) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of the exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland (NBP), in force on the last day of each month, which (for the three months of 2019) amounted to: 1 EUR=4,2978 PLN, and for three months of 2018 amounted to 1 EUR=4,1784PLN  
  Profit from ongoing activity in the given period per 1 share = net profit from ongoing activity in the period/ weighted mean of the share number in the given period.  
  Positions from 11 to 15 (balance positions) are calculated on the basis of the exchange rate announced by NBP valid on 31.03.2019 which amounted to: 1 EUR= 4,3013PLN, on 31.12.2018 which amounted to: 1 EUR = 4,3000 PLN and on 31.03.2018 which amounted to: 1 EUR = 4,2085 PLN.   
  Accounting value per 1 share = equity capital/ weighted mean number of shares in the given period.