Krakchemia S.A



B series shares


Issuing Prospectus


The subject of the Public Offer covered by Issuing Prospectus of KRAKCHEMIA S.A. were 5 000 000 shares of B series – ordinary a vista shares, issued on the basis of the resolutions of KRAKCHEMIA S.A. General Shareholders` Meeting of April 17, 2007
B series shares are offered with the exclusion of Rights issue by the hitherto shareholders.
Capital Partners S.A. Broker Agency was the Offerant.
The Issue Prospectus was accepted by the the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego) on July 31, 2007. The appendices No. 1,2 or 3 to the issue prospectus were accepted by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority respectively on August 13, August 29 and September 12, 2007.


Issuing share pricing


KRAKCHEMIA S.A. Board on the ground of the resolution of August 6, 2007 passed on the basis of the results of Demand Book establishing, fixed the issue price of the Shares on Offer, being the subject of the Public Offer - 5 000 000 ordinary a vista shares of B series.
The issue price for the Shares on Offer was fixed at 7.00 PLN per share.


Share registration in the National Depository for Securities

On the 7th of August 2007, the Board of Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. (KDPW) passed the resolution No. 575/07, wherein it granted KRAKCHEMIA S.A. the status of the participant in KDPW as Issuer type and registered:
5.000.000 A series ordinary a vista shares,
Up to 5.000.000 rights for B series ordinary a vista shares,
Up to 5.000.000 B series ordinary a vista shares.
All the abovementioned securities were accepted to the securities deposit with the reservation of the conditions stipulated in the abovementioned resolution.


Book building and share allocation


Collecting the applications for the Inpidual Tranche: 7-14 August 2007.
Collecting the applications for the Institutional Tranche: 7-14 August 2007.
Collecting the applications for the reserved Tranche for Maximex Sp. z o.o. (Ltd) : 7-14 August 2007.
The date of securities allocation – August 17, 2007


Allowing the shares for trading at the Warsaw Stock Exchange


The Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange allowed for trading on the primary market on the basis of the resolution No. 626/2007 of 20 August 2007:

        1) the following ordinary a vista shares of the value 1 zł (one zloty) per each share :
                   A) 5 000 000 A series shares
                   B) 5 000 000 B series shares
        2) 5 000 000 rights for ordinary a vista B series shares of the nominal value of 1 zl each.

Allowing for stock exchange trading of the shares mentioned in point 1 took place on the condition of registering the equity capital increase of the Company resulting from B series shares issue.


Registering the rights for ordinary a vista shares of B series in KDPW (The National Depository for Securities )


On 22 August 2007, the registration at KDPW of the following securities took place :
       Issuer :                                                      KRAKCHEMIA S.A
       ISIN code :                                                PLKRKCH00027
       The number of PDA registered:           5.000.000
       Proper name:                                           PDA KCH
       KDPW S.A. Board`s Resolution :         No 575/07 of 6.08.2007


Introducing the rights for shares into trading at the Warsaw Stock Exchange

The Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange on the basis of the resolution No. 634/2007 of 22 August 2007 decided:
      1) Introduce for trading on the primary market,on August 23, 2007 in the ordinary mode, 5 000 000 rights for ordinary a vista B series share of the Company, of nominal value 1 zł each,
          marked with a code „PLKRKCH00027” by KDPW S.A.
      2) determine the first quotation day of the Company`s share mentioned in point 1) for the day of 23 August, 2007
Quote the Company`s shares, mentioned in point 1) in ongoing quotations under an abbreviated name KRAKCHEM-PDA and a mark „KCHA”


Increasing the Equity Capital


The Regional Court for the Kraków Municipality, XI Economic Department of the National Court Register registered the equity capital increase of the Company on September 24, 2007.
The Equity capital of the Company was increased from the amount of 5 000 000 PLN to 10 000 000 PLN on the basis of the issue of 5 000 000 B series shares.
The total number of votes at the General Shareholders Meeting, after the equity capital increase amounts to 10 000 000. Each share is entitled to one vote at the Shareholders Meeting.


The last day of the quotation of the rights for shares


Semptember 5, 2007 – by virtue of the resolution 774/2007 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Board – was the last quotation date of 5 000 000 B series ordinary a vista shares, of the nominal value amounting to 1 zł per each, marked by KDPW S.A. with a „PLKRKCH00027 ” code.


Introducing the shares into trading


By the virtue of the resolution 773/2007 of October 2, 2007 -
The Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange decided to introduce to the primary market trading, starting October 8, 2007, in ordinary mode of the following ordinary a vista shares of nominal value of 1 zł per each share :
A) 5.000.000 A series ordinary a vista shares, marked by KDPW with a code „PLKRKCH00019”,
B) 5 000 000 ordinary a vista B series shares
The introduction to Stock Exchange quotation of the abovementioned shares ensued on the condition of registering the B series shares by the KDPW S.A.. On October 8, 2007 and marking them with a code „PLKRKCH00019”.
In accordance with the resolution of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Board No. 776/2007 of October 3, 2007, the quotation of KRAKCHEMIA S.A. A and B series ordinary a vista shares will take place on the ongoing quotation basis under the abbreviated name KRAKCHEM” and a mark „KCH”


Registering the securities in KDPW (The National Depository for Securities )


On October 8, 2007, the registration of the following securites in KDPW took place :

Issuer :                                                             KRAKCHEMIA S.A
ISIN code :                                                       PLKRKCH00019
The number of p.w. :                                      5.000.000 shares
KDPW S.A. Board`s Resolution :                No 575/07 of 6.08.2007
Total number of p.w. after registration :     10 000 000 shares


Authorization of the Company's own shares purchase

On 3rd March of 2009, Extraordinary General Shaleholders Meeting passed a resolution concerning the authorization of the Company Board to purchase the Company `s own shares in accordance with Article 362 section 1 item 5 of the Commercial Companies Code – with the aim of their redemption.

Within this authorization, the Board has not purchased the Company own shares.



On 16.04.2013, during the KRAKCHEMIA Ordinary Shareholders Meeting  the resolution No. 24 was passed, on the basis of which, on  16 May 2013 the purchase of shares commenced. On 29 May 2013, the Company bought through the purchase  of  1,000,000 (verbatim: one million) dematerialised ordinary a Vista shares issued by the Company, at the face value of 1.00 PLN (verbatim : one zloty) each. The purchase took place outside the regulated market, through the agency of Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Środowiska S.A., as a result of the Offer of the purchase of Krakchemia S.A. shares directed by the Company towards all shareholders on 13 May 2013.
The shares were purchased with the aim of their redemption.
The purchase price of the purchased shares amounted to 10.20 PLN (verbatim : ten zloty twenty groszy) per one share. The overall value of the service for the purchased shares amounted to  10,200.000,00 PLN ( verbatim: ten million two hundred thousand zloty).
The total number of shares submitted for sale by the shareholders amounted to 9,318,446 (nine million three hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and forty six).
The reduction rate amounted to  89.2686%.
On  16.07.2013, KRAKCHEMIA S.A. Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting, acting upon Art. 359 § 2 of the Commercial Company Code and  § 4 para. 5 of the Company Articles, redeemed a part of the Company shares i.e. 1,000,000 (one million) ordinary a vista shares of the Company of the face value of 1.00 (one zloty ) each, marked with the securities code  ISIN PLKRKCH00019. During the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting a resolution was also passed concerning the lowering of the company equity capital from the amount of 10,000,000.00 (ten million) zloty down to the amount of 9,000,000.00 (nine million) zloty.
On 10.12.2013, the Company received the information concerning the registration by the register court of the lowering of Krakchemia S.A. equity capital, which followed as a result of the redemption of the Company shares,  and as a result thereof also of the change in the Company Articles.